Dermato Cosmetic & Lasers
Make an appointment
0470 02 02 02
Consultations & Treatments
and every day until 6:00 p. m.
Français / English

Two locations
Quartier Européen : Square Ambiorix, 40 / 1000 Bxl
Quartier BasilIque : Avenue Woeste, 145 / 1090 Bxl

Le cabinet du Docteur Michel Bernard Dermatologue esthétique est totalement spécialisé dans tous les traitements lasers + injections antirides
Tous les soins sont réalisés par le Dr BERNARD, dermatologue lasériste !
Pas d'esthéticiennes, pas d'infirmières ... Déléguer ces actes est hasardeux et illégal.
Grâce à nos 7 lasers, notre activité se concentre sur les problèmes suivants
Taches rouges visage : couperose ou rosacée : LASER KTP
Taches brunes visage et corps : laser PICO
Verrues et excroissances visage et corps : laser CO2 continu
Grains de beauté - enlèvement sans cicatrice : laser CO2 pulsé
Epilation laser peaux claires et mates : vrai laser médical ALEXANDRITE
Cicatrices : laser FRACTIONNE ( ABLATIF ( CO2 )et NON ABLATIF ) et micro-chirurgie
Rides :
Injections de fillers sous échographie pour pour une meilleure efficacité et sécurité
Botox pour détendre muscles qui produisent les rides de la partie supérieure du visage
Restaurer les volumes perdus avec des injections de fillers (acides hyaluroniques
Lifting médical
injections acide hyaluronique par VOLUMETRIE, la seule bonne technique pour injecter les fillers ( acide hyaluronique, hydroxyapatite de calcium, ... ) et HIFU remise en tension des tissus profonds pour obtenir un lifting sans chirurgie
Dermatologie générale
Pour le moment le cabinet se dédie uniquement aux traitements lasers et esthétiques.
Pour de l'acné, de l'eczéma, ... adressez-vous à un dermatologue généraliste
Comment savoir si vous avez besoin d'un laser ou injection d'esthétique ?
Un des 3 moyens suivants : mieux qu'une secrétaire, un CONTACT DIRECT avec le Dr BERNARD dermatologue lasériste !
1/ Envoyez un message écrit (photos) au Dermatologue sur son WhatsApp privé : 0470 020202
2/ Ou réservez sur l'agenda online un RDV "consultation esthétique et laser"
pour en parler avec le dermatologue après examen, en présentiel. ( 78 euros )
3/ Vous pouvez aussi tenter de le joindre par téléphone au 0470 020202
Ne réservez pas de RDV de laser si votre problème n'a pas été discuté par l'une de ces 3 manières
Pour réserver une séance de Laser ou d'esthétique déjà discutée
Allez sur l'Agenda Online. réservez le RDV discuté au préalable en consultation
Ne pas réserver ce type de RDV s'il n'a pas été expliqué en consultation
Un RDV pris online peut facilement être déplacé et annulé ( au maximum 48 h d'avance )
En cas de RDV annulé en retard ou non honoré sans annulation de votre part des mesures seront prises :
- facturation d'une "amende" de 30% de la somme prévue
- si pas de réponse : - interdiction de prendre nouveau RDV sans un acompte
n'oubliez pas qu'en réservant une RDV vous bloquez :
- Un médecin dermatologue lasériste
- Une infirmière
- 100 m2 de locaux chauffés et entretenus selon les normes hospitalières (salle d'op : laser)
- 7 lasers médicaux ultra-modernes et très chers
Et, surtout, vous empêchez d'autres patients de prendre RDV, alors que le délai d'attente est long
Dermatology, Lasers & cosmetic surgery : 30 years of experience
Dermato Cosmetics and Lasers Brussels is a care centre dedicated to the treatment of skin, hair and nail diseases. With 30 years of experience in the field of dermatology, our centre is able to detect and treat all skin diseases with competence. Our dermatologist, Dr. Bernard, provides you with professional care: general dermatology, aesthetic dermatology, dermatological surgery.
A leading dermatologist in Brussels, at the cutting edge of technology
Dermato Cosmetics and Lasers Brussels offers various sessions available made with state-of-the-art equipment:
Make an appointment with your dermatologist
The Dermato Cosmetics and Lasers Brussels health centre is close to its patients and has two locations. The first establishment is located in the European quarter while the second is located in the Basilica quarter. The objective of the centre? Provide affordable access to dermatology by ensuring reasonable appointment management and affordable rates for each patient. Consultations can be conducted in both French and English. If you would like further information about the care centre, a form is available
Dermatological lasers
Laser hair removal: laser hair removal ALEXANDRITE-YAG climax = efficiency - hygiene - safety - black skin without any risk
LASER KTP: redness of the face
YAG LASER veins of the lower limbs
LASER fractionated ablative § NON ablative: correction scar
LASER YAG QS: tattoo removal & brown spots
Continuous CO2 LASER: warts treatments in a single session
Ultherapy / HIFU
ULTHERAPY / HIFU allowing to a certain extent and in well-chosen patients to create a real NON-surgical facelift without pain or complications
Loss of face volume
two products can be used to fill the gaps that appear over time in the facial features
or to beautify people who are born with a perfectible facial harmony (receding chin, absence of cheekbone, etc.)
in some cases it may be useful to inject your own fat: it is not necessary to collect much and the procedure is quite harmless performed by a very small liposuction with a syringe
Tensor wires
RESORBLE yarns can be used to perform facelifts without surgery with surprising results
Maintenance treatments
LED, peelings, mesotherapy, skin boosters, fractional lasers NON ablative, PRP
Body care
Cryo-lipolysis: slimming fat swell by the cold
LIPOSONIX: decrease in waist circumference with HIFU dedicated to the body ( 8 and 13 mm)
emove BROWN STAINS on hands and forearms by laser and peeling
REPULP the emaciated hands by injecting fillers
LASER YAG QS : brown spots
Neck and low-cut
Brown spots, smoothing
PRP - LED lamps - vitamins for injections, mesotherapy
FUE / FUT hair grafts

Dermatology, Lasers & cosmetic surgery : 30 years of experience
Dermato Cosmetics and Lasers Brussels is a care centre dedicated to the treatment of skin, hair and nail diseases. With 30 years of experience in the field of dermatology, our centre is able to detect and treat all skin diseases with competence. Our dermatologist, Dr. Bernard, provides you with professional care: general dermatology, aesthetic dermatology, dermatological surgery.
A leading dermatologist in Brussels, at the cutting edge of technology
Dermato Cosmetics and Lasers Brussels offers various sessions available made with state-of-the-art equipment:
Make an appointment with your dermatologist
The Dermato Cosmetics and Lasers Brussels health centre is close to its patients and has two locations. The first establishment is located in the European quarter while the second is located in the Basilica quarter. The objective of the centre? Provide affordable access to dermatology by ensuring reasonable appointment management and affordable rates for each patient. Consultations can be conducted in both French and English. If you would like further information about the care centre, a form is available
Dermatological lasers
Laser hair removal: laser hair removal ALEXANDRITE-YAG climax = efficiency - hygiene - safety - black skin without any risk
LASER KTP: redness of the face
YAG LASER veins of the lower limbs
LASER fractionated ablative § NON ablative: correction scar
LASER YAG QS: tattoo removal & brown spots
Continuous CO2 LASER: warts treatments in a single session
Ultherapy / HIFU
ULTHERAPY / HIFU allowing to a certain extent and in well-chosen patients to create a real NON-surgical facelift without pain or complications
Loss of face volume
two products can be used to fill the gaps that appear over time in the facial features
or to beautify people who are born with a perfectible facial harmony (receding chin, absence of cheekbone, etc.)
in some cases it may be useful to inject your own fat: it is not necessary to collect much and the procedure is quite harmless performed by a very small liposuction with a syringe
Tensor wires
RESORBLE yarns can be used to perform facelifts without surgery with surprising results
Maintenance treatments
LED, peelings, mesotherapy, skin boosters, fractional lasers NON ablative, PRP
Body care
Cryo-lipolysis: slimming fat swell by the cold
LIPOSONIX: decrease in waist circumference with HIFU dedicated to the body ( 8 and 13 mm)
emove BROWN STAINS on hands and forearms by laser and peeling
REPULP the emaciated hands by injecting fillers
LASER YAG QS : brown spots
Neck and low-cut
Brown spots, smoothing
PRP - LED lamps - vitamins for injections, mesotherapy
FUE / FUT hair grafts